
What Matters? What Works? What's Next?
This blog belongs to:

Dj Connell
* Discworld Area Head, Sasquan / WorldCon 2015
More info at
* Current Project: The Great Discworld Fan Gathering at Sasquan
* Founder, Discworld Seamstress Guild of North America, Established 2003
* Co-Founder, North American Discworld Dark Clerks.
Established 2011
* Board Chair: North American Discworld Connection

Trouble Made: By Appointment


@ItBodes on Twitter

These are my opinions and mine alone.

This image of Death is by artist Paul Kidby. Mr Kidby's images are used with his permission. Copyright: Paul Kidby.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cutting Me Own Throat OR Arts & Crafts at NADWCon


I'm working on the schedule for our Arts & Crafts workshops at NADWCon and I've just approved two more workshops: Mask Making and Creature Making.

I love ma Crafty Folks, I do.

I had to settle two things with both the Steering Committee and the ConCom before I could speak further about this.  Everything is now in place so here we go:

Updates on Arts & Crafts at NADWCon 

Arts & Crafts Room:

We've decided to make one large room, The Ovation Room, dedicated to Arts and Crafts for the con.

a) This room is lovely and we'll lay down plastic protection for the carpet and tables.

b) It will allow teachers and students to keep their materials in once place.

c) It is close to the Coffee Bar and the Costumer's Dungeon. You're welcome. (1)
$5 for Arts & Crafts workshops and $3.00 for Face Painting, and that's cutting our own throats.

We've decided that all arts & crafts workshops at this con will have a small materials fee attached. We are doing this for several reasons

a) We need to find a way to pay for the materials for these workshops. The con's budget is small and we have a lot of workshops we want to offer.

b) When people pay to attend a workshop, they generally show up for it.  I don't want our artists to offer these excellent workshop only to find them half full on the day, thus disappointing both the instructors and those left out who really wanted to come.

We're making up "The Way Of NADWCon" as we go along: 

As Mrs. Cosmopolite would say, "Money doesn't grow on thieves". (2)  In other words, we don't want to set a precedent that other NADWCons will have trouble following if they can't afford to offer free workshops of this type.

a) Setting up a small fee to cover materials allows every future NADWCon the ability to offer Discworld related arts & crafts if they wish.

b) Ideally, we'd like to offer the next NADWCon some seed money to grow *and* we're giving to two charities, so spending every dime we have on this one, isn't an option.

c) We think our attendees will find this reasonable. Membership fees barely cover the cost of all the other fabulous free stuff they are getting, and they know this.
Workshops will be limited to 10 - 30 attendees: 

Sign up sheets will be at the desk and attendance is on a first come, first served basis.

I would like to say a special  thanks Margie, our Volunteer Coordinator, a member of our Steering Committee, and an experienced event organizer for her advice re this.

See you there,

Have glue gun, will travel 

 (1) Just between us:  c. wasn't really a factor.  I'm a Seamstress, after all; buying and selling love is our business.

(2) I may have heard that wrong.

Photo: Mask of Bast, the Egyptian Cat Goddess
  (You knew I'd sneak a cat in there somehow)

Updated: 7/1/2011

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