
What Matters? What Works? What's Next?
This blog belongs to:

Dj Connell
* Discworld Area Head, Sasquan / WorldCon 2015
More info at
* Current Project: The Great Discworld Fan Gathering at Sasquan
* Founder, Discworld Seamstress Guild of North America, Established 2003
* Co-Founder, North American Discworld Dark Clerks.
Established 2011
* Board Chair: North American Discworld Connection

Trouble Made: By Appointment


@ItBodes on Twitter

These are my opinions and mine alone.

This image of Death is by artist Paul Kidby. Mr Kidby's images are used with his permission. Copyright: Paul Kidby.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So you wanna host a NADWCon?

Updated 10/26/2011: Bidding is now closed 

Congratulations to Baltimore and Boston for making it to the finals to host NADWCon 2013! 

As of today, organizations/coalitions/groups in the following cities have expressed an interest* in hosting NADWCon 2013: 

* Atlanta, GA

Update: 10/25 Atlanta has pulled out of the bidding, citing difficulties in finding an available and experienced core staff and an appropriate hotel.   The organizer plans to do more networking and research and hopes to offer a bid in 2015.
* Baltimore/DC area
Updated 10/25: Baltimore has turned in their bid!  Since we gave Boston another week, Baltimore has that same grace period to make additions or changes, if needed.
* Boston, MA
Updated 10/25: Our Boston contact informs us that the bidding committee is trying to decide on a hotel.We have given them an extra week to finalize negotiations.  All other paperwork is due in on schedule.
* Charlotte, NC 
Updated 10/24: This just came in from the organizer in N.C.: "Unfortunately, Charlotte is going to have to drop out of the bidding for the 2013 NADWC. We were not able to get together the human resources necessary to pull off the type of event this convention deserves. While I am very disappointed in this turn of events, I am looking forward to putting my support behind the winning city"
* Halifax, Nova Scotia 
Update 10/23: Nova Scotia has pulled out of bidding on the next NADWCon. The organizers there already host a yearly Sci-Fi convention and had wished to combine this with a Discworld Convention.  Reluctantly, the Steering Committee had to say "No" to this proposal as Discworld is a unique, stand alone con in it's own right.
* Phoenix, AZ  
Update 10/25 Phoenix pulled out of the race this evening.  They may make a bid in 2015. 
* Seattle, WA   
Update: 9/17 The folks who requested the NADWCon Bid Submission form for Seattle have recently pulled out of the bidding for personal reasons.  If you know of another well organized group in Seattle (where Terry has a huge fan base) who wish to place a bid, we would love to hear from them. 
We will continue to send out the Bid Submission paperwork to interested groups in various cities in North America right up until the deadline.
Bidding is open from August 25th - October 25th, 2011
Other cites in North America are very welcome to apply. 
If your group wishes to receive a copy of the Bid Submission Form & NADWCon 2013 Guidelines, write to Yours Truly (Vice Chair, Steering Committee) at
* Please note:  Expressing an interest and placing an official bid are two very different things. Groups will have two months (beginning on Friday) to fill out the bid submission paperwork and place their bids into the hat for consideration by the NADWCon Steering Committee and our consultants.
Can more than one group per city apply? Yes, they can.  In that case the Steering Committee would:
a) choose the best organized group with the relevant experience and a strong volunteer base and  
b) strongly encourage the hosts to work with the other group's members as they build their con staff and volunteer teams. 
The key to hosting a good con is hard work, organization, communication, setting realistic goals, having high standards, behaving in ways that are fiscally and ethically responsible, and treating volunteers with respect. Remember: our attendees come first!
Bon chance! 
Art: Greebo AKA Mr Fluffy by Paul Kidby